Information obligation in accordance with § 5 of the German Interstate Media Services Agreement (Mediendienstestaatsvertrag)
Responsible for the content of the website is:
Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M.
Gontardstrasse 11
10178 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0) 30 408 172 515
Mobile: +4915730051105
Tax number (“European VAT identification number” / USt-IdNr.) in accordance with § 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act (Umsatzsteuergesetz):
No. DE360473981
Professional title:
The professional title “Radca Prawny” was awarded in Poland.
Professional liability insurance:
andsafe AG, Provinzial-Allee 1, 48159 Münster
Attorney Aleksandra Nykiel is a member of the Berlin Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin) and authorized to practice as an attorney in Germany under the provisions of §§ 2 et seq. of the Act on the Activities of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG) and to carry the professional title of her country of origin under §§ 1 to 3 of the Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung). Attorney Aleksandra Nykiel is also a member of the Poznań Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Poznań).
Professional regulations
Individuals practicing as attorneys in Germany are subject to the following German professional regulations:
- Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO) (Federal Lawyers’ Act)
- Berufsordnung (BORA) (Professional Code of Conduct)
- Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO) (Specialist Lawyers’ Regulations)
- Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (CCBE) (Professional Rules for Lawyers in the European Union)
- Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG) (Lawyers’ Fees Act)
The corresponding provisions are available on the website
Individuals practicing with the professional title “Radca prawny” under Polish law are subject to the following professional regulations under Polish law:
- Ustawa o radcach prawnych (UORP) (Law on Legal Advisors)
- Kodeks Etyki Radcy Prawnego (KERP) (Code of Ethics for Legal Advisors)
The corresponding provisions are available on the website