Privacy policy

NOTES – Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin. 

Website – the internet platform under the domain; 

Customer – a natural person with full legal capacity, and in cases provided for by generally applicable regulations, also a natural person with limited legal capacity or a legal person or an organisational unit without legal capacity, which is granted legal capacity by law – who has concluded or intends to conclude a contract with Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin or uses or intends to use one or more chargeable services or electronic services;

Product – movable item available on the Website as part of a purchase contract between the Client and Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin; 

Service – paid functionality available on the Website that is not of a material nature and is the subject of a contract between the Client and Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin; 

Contract – a contract for the provision of a service concluded between the Client and Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin via the Website or another type of contract individually specified in the Regulations;

Electronic Service – a service provided electronically by Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin for the benefit of the Client via the Website; 


The data controller for the processing of personal data within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the Regulation) is Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin.


During the user’s or customer’s stay on the website, in particular when using electronic services, purchasing products or services offered by Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin on the website, or using electronic services, the user or customer may be asked to provide (make available) their personal data. The scope of the provision of personal data to Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11, 10178 Berlin takes place in


In consideration of the rights of users and clients of Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstrasse 11 10178 Berlin, we would like to inform you that every person has the right to have his or her data deleted. This right is commonly referred to as the “right to be forgotten”. Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin is obliged to delete the data of the person making the request, unless there is another legal basis for the further processing of this data, such as the obligation to keep business records. However, if it is not possible to comply with the request, we will inform you of this, stating the legal basis.


At the express request of the person whose data is processed by Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin, we will provide you with a file structured in a common format. As part of this right, you may also indicate the body to which we, as data controller, should transfer your data.

It may take up to 30 days for this right to be exercised. At the same time, for security reasons, we will carry out a check on you to ensure that your data is transferred to the correct person.


Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin, Germany, declares that it will process the personal data of users and customers of the Service in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27. April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, and that it applies technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of the data processed that are appropriate to the risks and categories of data to be protected, and in particular to protect the personal data of users and customers of the Service from unauthorised access, loss or damage.


Cookies are IT data, in particular short text files, which are stored by the web browser or directly in the user’s terminal device for the use of the websites. These cookies enable the website to recognise the user’s device and display the website according to the user’s individual preferences. “Cookies” usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the time they are stored on the terminal device and a unique number. 

Cookies are used for the following purposes

Generating statistics to help understand how users use the website, which has a direct impact on improving its structure and content;

Maintaining a session of the user of the website so that they do not have to re-enter their login and password on each sub-page of the website or perform additional actions, such as adding products to the shopping cart again;

the creation of user profiles in order to display tailored material on advertising networks, in particular the Google network.

The website uses two main types of “cookies”: “session” (session cookies) and “persistent” (permanent cookies). Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on your terminal device until you log out, leave the website or switch off your software (web browser). “Permanent” files are stored on the user’s terminal device for the time specified in the parameters of the “cookies” or until they are manually deleted by the user.

The software for surfing the Internet (web browser) usually allows the storage of “cookies” on the user’s terminal device by default. Users of the website can change their settings in this regard. The web browser allows “cookies” to be deleted. It is also possible to block cookies automatically. For details, please refer to the help or documentation of your internet browser.

Restrictions on the use of cookies may affect some of the functionality available on the website.


In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Act of 16 July 2004. on Telecommunications (Journal of Laws 2004 No. 171, item 1800, as amended), and in particular Article 173, paragraph 2 thereof, the user has the right to decide on the access of “cookies” to his/her terminal equipment by making the appropriate settings (rights) for these files in the settings window of his/her web browser.

If the user leaves the settings of the software installed on his terminal device unchanged, this means that he consents to the placement of “cookies” text files on the user’s device.


Information about certain user activities is logged at server level. This data is used solely for the administration of the website.

The resources accessed are identified by URLs. In addition, the log may include the following data:
The time the request was received;
the time the response was sent;
Name of the user station – identification via the HTTP protocol;
information about HTTP transaction errors;
the URL of the page previously visited by the user (referer link), if the user accessed the website via a link;
Information about your browser;
information about your IP address;

The above data will not be associated with specific visitors.
The above data is used solely for the administration of the website.


The Privacy and Security Policy does not extend to information relating to third party services, goods or websites offered on the Website under agreements with other parties. The third parties set separate, individual rules for their services, goods or websites themselves and under their own responsibility in their terms and conditions.


Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin transfers personal data to third countries outside the European Economic Area solely for the purpose of making it available: Google LLC based in Mountain View in the United States on the basis of the so-called EU-US Privacy Shield (hereinafter: the Agreement), i.e. according to the decision of the European Commission of 12 July 2016 with the number IP/16/216, the transfer of personal data to entities based in the United States that are party to the Agreement ensures an adequate level of protection for personal data in accordance with Article 45 of the Regulation.


Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin offers users of the website the opportunity to contact her regarding data protection issues as well as for assistance in editing settings, in particular adjusting cookies to their preferences, via or other concerns:

  1. electronically by e-mail to:
  2. in writing (by correspondence) to: Aleksandra Nykiel LL.M., Gontardstraße 11 10178 Berlin.

Lubica Horvath

Dyrektor generalny i menedżer spółki ACC MANAGEMENT s.r.o.

Działania na obszarze Słowacji

Lubica jest dyrektorem generalnym i menedżerem spółki ACC MANAGEMENT s.r.o. na Słowacji. Specjalizuje się w doradztwie podatkowym, HR i biznesowym, wspiera zakładanie spółek na Słowacji i zapewnia pomoc klientom zainteresowanym zakupem istniejących spółek.

Od 2004 roku Ľubica zajmuje się zagadnieniami związanymi z podatkami i księgowością. Jej praca jest również jej pasją.

Daria Pośpiech-Przeor

Partner w Kancelarii Żuk Pośpiech

Radca Prawny

Of counsel

Działania na obszarze Polski

Specjalistka z zakresu prawa spółek, prawa gospodarczego, gospodarki nieruchomościami oraz prawa budowlanego. Uczestniczyła w tworzeniu złożonych struktur zagranicznych przedsiębiorstw krajowych oraz podmiotów zagranicznych.

Posiada doświadczenie w obsłudze podmiotów krajowych, jak również zagranicznych. W swojej praktyce zawodowej zajmuje się kompleksową obsługą prawną dużych podmiotów gospodarczych działających w szczególności na rynku budowlanym i nieruchomości. Wspomaga klientów przy podejmowaniu kluczowych decyzji inwestycyjnych, dokonując analizy zagrożeń biznesowych na gruncie prawnym. Reprezentuje z sukcesami klientów w postępowaniach sądowych, w szczególności w procesach cywilnych oraz gospodarczych.

Autorka licznych komentarzy z zakresu prawa, które ukazują się na łamach Dziennika Gazeta Prawna, Pulsu Biznesu, Rzeczpospolitej czy Forbes.

Radosław Żuk

Partner w Kancelarii Żuk Pośpiech

Doradca Podatkowy

Of counsel

Działania na obszarze Polski

Prawnik, doradca podatkowy, nagradzany w rankingach prawników organizowanych przez Rzeczpospolitą, wykładowca na SGH, posiadający 17-letnie doświadczenie w doradztwie prawno-podatkowym na rzecz największych polskich i zagranicznych przedsiębiorstw.

Posiada bogate doświadczenie w branży energetycznej, FMCG, budowlanej oraz finansowej. Autor licznych publikacji z zakresu prawa i podatków. Przeprowadził ponad 2300 wykładów z zakresu prawa podatkowego oraz prawa korporacyjnego.

Współpracownik Forbes, Gazety Prawnej, Pulsu Biznesu oraz Rzeczpospolitej. Współtwórca „Wiadomości Podatkowych” w TaxPress TV oraz Wieceprzewodniczący Rady Programowej miesięcznika „Kazus Podatkowy”.